As far as full weekly roundups go, this has been a pretty easy one to be honest. According to most back in the office, Monday Tuesday and Wednesday were taken up with eating remaining Christmas food, heartily getting through the extra bottles we ‘accidently’ bought and then enjoying well earned naps. Alternatives to these naps included films, tv time, dog walks (with a little less alcohol), bathroom renovations and wedding planning. All in all, some much needed down time for most. Of course the New Year frivolities all included seeing the crowd gathered on Southbank getting covered in smoke unable to see vast swathes of the (really quite long) firework display, before we ‘lost’ the next couple of hours and fell asleep on the sofa. A happy new year indeed! One of us is still away, no doubt still enjoying the above activities…..

Yesterday though, we office people were catching up on emails and admin while Stuart was giving his all in the barn, taking apart a rental that came back before Christmas, getting all the accessories off, cleaning them up and replacing them in their allocated spots. We also had scalping put down outside to make a safer, sturdier ground for the forklift when containers come in and we’re moving pontoons around before and after jobs. A good way to start the new year!

Today, it’s more prep for this month’s jobs and getting our heads back in the game. It’s looking like an exciting year ahead as we seem to be pretty busy until Easter, with Rotodocks, modular Cubes, Jetports and decked pontoons all booked to be installed. Each previous year has taken a few months for business to properly get going, but with a few extra hands on deck, we are slowly growing and beginning to see the fruits of our labours.

I hope you had a lovely break with much festive merriment! Happy New Year folks, thank you for your support in all our previous years and I hope you continue to follow us throughout the exciting year ahead.

Modular cubes, handrails, rental