If you caught up with Wardle Wednesdays this week, you’ll have seen me rabbiting on about our cleats for Rotodock, so to expand that information for you, here is a little more.
Our Rotodock systems have three different cleat options, our Sunnydock (cube) systems have a choice of two. These cover boats of varying sizes from small dinghys to large, heavy luxury cruisers. Customers will often ask which will be best for them, why, prices etc, so give you an idea of what we offer in a little more detail, read on….
Small Black Cleat

These screw into pre created threads on the side of each module and will hold small boats, like dinghys and rowing boats. These are £9 each ex VAT.
Polyethelyne (PE) Fender Cleat

These attach with half couplers into the pockets around the edge of the Rotodock modules. As the name suggests, they have a fender built in, to reduce the wear on your boat and the pontoon when coming into moor. They will hold boats up to about 30ft, such as your small cruisers and larger RIBs. These can be purchased in both beige and grey and sell at £35 each ex VAT.
Aluminium Cleat

These are our top of the range cleats. They replaced our galvanised cleats and will hold your larger, heavier, more luxurious boats with ease. These are £125 each ex VAT.
Sunnydock (cube):
Polyethelene Cleat

These attach to the cubes the same way as the pins and outer screw and nut connectors – through the lugs, with washers if needed. These are more similar to the black Rotodock cleats, and will only hold the smaller boats secure. They cost £20 each ex VAT.
Galvanised Cleat

Our top of the range SD cleats are for mooring the larger, heavier boats that would use the cube system and cost £45 each ex VAT.
Now as much as I’d like to say these are all invincible, unfortunately Mother Nature has a way of throwing the worst at us. If these are kept in a reasonably calm, sheltered spot, there’s no reason why they shouldn’t still be holding your boat in 15 or 20 years time. But…Winter arrives and of course the chance that a great big storm blows in arrives with it. Worst case, it throws your boats all over the place, and unfortunately I can’t say these cleats will not get damaged at all. What I can say, is that I’ve seen videos of our systems in pretty ferocious storms blown in over the Atlantic, and they’ve stood up incredibly well, with cleats still just about holding the boats in place. We think they’re brilliant products (otherwise we wouldn’t sell them!) but sometimes the mighty Mother Nature is not to be fought….
Have a super weekend and I hope this blog helps you choose the best cleat for your particular application. Stay warm!