It’s June, it’s been raining A LOT, we’ve been taking full waterproofs everywhere and the dogs have regularly been turning into giant otters during their walks. Happy British Summertime! I’m not complaining (much), we needed it, how dry has this year been so far? Apparently summer is due to return next week, so I’ll go out and dance in the rain later, just to make the most of it. Being a marine business, we spend a lot of time on the water, sometimes in it, so the rain really, has just been less pleasing to look at, that’s about the worst of it.
In between (and during, obviously) the showers, we have been from Totnes to Oxford via the fantastic Seaworks show in Southampton, while taking orders for Rhyl, Lincoln and Milton Keynes. The Marine summer has certainly begun! We returned down to Totnes to complete the installation of their 24m Rotodock pontoon with handrails, cleats, fenders, a ladder and piling. It looks great! You can see the completed pontoon on our Instagram page and below. Godalming Town Council came and picked up a modular cube pontoon with various accessories for works they are doing along the river, I believe. Ultrasonic is still pumping along, and we returned to Danson Park to check up on their kit on Tuesday. Wednesday was midweek fun day as we trooped down to the fantastic Seaworks show in Southampton and caught up with a few associates and friends, and had an incredible boat ride on Zodiac’s Hurricane. Such a smooth ride, considering the speed, waves, wake we left, turns we made. When I win the lottery…….Anyway, the show was a great eye opener for Stuart and I, who haven’t been to any before and our educational needs were fulfilled at nearly every turn. We hope to have a stand there again next year and shall keep you posted, of course! Thursday was an interesting day, with another container filled to the brim with Rotodock and accessories being delivered. The morning was spent re-arranging the barn to accommodate the almost fortnightly deliveries and fluctuating stock levels, so in the afternoon (and early evening) we were able to empty the new Rotodock stock into all their newly arranged areas. We received not only the Rotodock platforms, but handrails, benches, gangways, couplers, fenders, and installation tools all coming in, needing counting and sorting before they were whisked out for installs today and next week. It’s hard work when the containers come in, but very satisfying getting it all out to it’s new owners! Today, the team are in Southampton, Portsmouth, and Dorset on various jobs for Rotodock, Ultrasonic and Cubes…..a bit of everything to finish the week!
I hope you have all stayed as dry as you wished to this week, and didn’t get caught out in those ‘it’s-only-spitting-but-five-minutes-later-it’s-torrential’ moments. Here’s the return of the sunshine! Have a great weekend!