For the last three months, the team at Wardle Marine have been getting to know Carl Lay, who, as of this week, has become our new Project Manager! Carl came to us all the way from the west coast of Scotland where he was a Project Manager for Kames Fish Farming Ltd. He managed installations, consultations and supplies of fish farming equipment globally.  They also happened to use modular cubes, so that was a bonus! There are few people that have worked with such niche products before and this is usually our biggest concern – how quickly will new starters get used to the products before diving in on their own? Carl had a head start with the cubes, but spent time with the installers understanding Rotodock, Jetports and a number of the smaller, lesser known products. He has bought with him a methodical, detailed approach to project management and has made a very positive impression on both the install teams and those in the office.

This week he is mainly on site again, working on a huge install of ten jetties for a private client over in Wiltshire. Having managed this one, Carl will be heading up to Hull for a job with a commercial engineering firm that he has handled from the very beginning. We very much look forward to keeping him on board and watching him grow with us!

Please do send your congratulations over on social media, I’m sure he’ll be happy to hear from you!

carl lay project manager