Monday started early with the install team heading up to London for a delivery while 340 rental modular cubes went across the country to be used for a few weeks. An afternoon of sorting and prepping for the week ahead went smoothly with the beautiful aroma of good strong French cheeses wafting through the office… blooming lovely!
Tuesday bought us an adios to the boys heading up to Rhyl in north Wales for 48 hours to extend a Rotodock pontoon we put in a few months ago, and the rest of us had a fairly calm admin catch up day in the office. The paperwork doesn’t get done by staring out at the torrential rain while dreaming of being curled up under the duvet…. Stock was updated in preparation for the big monthly count on Friday, estimates chased and press releases written, all the while the rain just kept coming.
Wednesday came with another long journey for the boys in Rhyl coming home, after digging a couple of post holes for the moorings. In the office we prepared an order for collection at midday – a 6mx4m modular cube rental pontoon for Divers UK working down in Kent, we continued to amend our stocktake processes and all the other daily admin that comes along. We decided that our monthly offer for October would be biased towards the rental customers, to give them 10% off their first two weeks of rental 1st-31st October. You heard it here first!
Thursday and Friday saw Jetports being collected, which the dogs happily joined in with as the customer had treats in his pocket; and a huge stock take, of absolutely everything in the barn. That was a joy to behold let me tell you! With the renewing of work processes and growth we are planning, it’ll be totally worth it. If there is one thing that will mess us up, it’s not doing stock correctly. Counting counting counting was the grand finale for this week.
On the upside, having had a crazy busy last six weeks and barely a moment to myself, I am so looking forward to this weekend that holds absolutely nothing in store. I’ll be pottering, walking the dog, visiting some new cafes and discovering some new walks, I hope. You enjoy yours, whatever you have planned, I’ll be snoozing through my downtime!