After the incredibly busy last few months, this has been a bit of a catch up week. We’ve had deliveries sent out across the country, a bespoke Flexiport install with one side of double cubes for ease of access, and another Ultrasonic install (a preview for all you blog readers – next month’s Monthly Offer is 10% off Ultrasonic installation!) so we’ve kept busy, but also had time to sort the barn out and catch up with our ‘To Do’ lists, which is always nice. Chris has even had a couple of days off – Shock, Horror! No doubt he’s sleeping with all the travelling and installing he’s been doing recently.
Everyone needs a bit of a catch up I find. When you’re as busy as you can be, you’re either going to burn out and get a cold, which is always just a big fat annoyance, or you need time to breathe and catch up with the little things so you can start afresh without those bits nagging away in your head.
The biggest job over the last few days has been rearranging and refitting the barn, sorting out our stock. With containers coming in once a month now and the amount of installs we are doing back to back, it’s imperative that our barn is kept organized. We hope that our new Warehouse and Installation Assistant, Stuart, will be able to help a bit with this. Speaking of which, Stuart will be starting with us on Monday and diving in the deep end, heading off to Rhyl for a big two day install with Chris on Tuesday. We have also just had confirmation of five pontoons, 6m x 2m, needed in Langport, so I’m sure Stuart will be kept busy.
We wish you all a great weekend, we’re going to have a bit of R+R before we get busy again!