We are all still here, not self isolating. It’s business as usual at WMS! With a lot to get out in the coming weeks, I’m not sure we can afford to not be here! I hope you are all well and not panic buying, but looking after yourselves and others. A few friends and family are up in London and have had offices shut, so are working remotely until further notice. I think we’re remote enough out in the fields of Hampshire, but dare I speak too soon…..
Onto other things. The boys were here for much of Monday, preparing for jobs in the week and pontoons being delivered next week. Monday bought six buckets of concrete with large wooden posts stuck in them, thus creating posts for a jetty build next week. They cut up and recycled 25 modular cubes that had come back from Edinburgh after being battered by Storms Ciara and Dennis. Some might make it to flower pot status…watch this space!…. and they began building a framework for a decked pontoon to be delivered next week. A champion day by the guys on site. Off to Fareham Motor Boat and Sailing Club they went on Tuesday, who wanted a couple of sections of Rotodock moved around to accommodate a gangway, and a maintenance check. All done and dusted nicely. Wednesday bought a visit to Exbury Gardens for the office team to check up on and photograph the decked pontoons the team had installed a few weeks ago. Our estate contact down there wanted to have a chat and say thank you for the excellent work. What a beautiful site it is, I can highly recommend a visit, even from the small amount I saw, I have no doubt the whole site is gorgeous. Rhododendrons, Camellias and Roses all beginning to bloom, some fully out already, I can only imagine the glorious view when the whole estate is bursting with colour. Meanwhile, those back at base continued working on the frame and decking. Thursday bought more building, with a collection of modular cubes and a stock take. Today though, we have had cake – Again!- to celebrate Chris’ 40th! Our Install Manager has hit the new decade and is less than delighted about it, so we thought cake might help. It did. A bit….!
All of this under an almost constant blue sky with a week of majority sunshine – hallelujah, Spring is here, it would seem!
Have a great one this weekend folks!