This week was mainly about Ocean Business down in Southampton which was open to the public from Tuesday to Thursday. We set up a 12m Rotodock pontoon just outside the marquee last Friday and on Sunday they decided that it was drawing more than enough attention to warrant putting in a further 13m, so that was Chris’ Monday sorted, with two of our installation team. Two further 3m x 2m modules of Rotodock and 7m x 2m stretch of modular cubes went down to show off. Through the week various members of the team went down to talk to some of the 5000+ visitors and have a look at what some of the 330 international exhibitors were showcasing. A number of surveying systems were attached (almost bumper to bumper) to our pontoon and a brand new USV (Unmanned Surface Vessel) was launched, ‘having the potential to change the way offshore hydrographic surveys are conducted’. Typically, setting up on Friday, Empress Dock was extremely choppy, so it took us a while longer than usual to get the Rotodock sections connected. Thankfully, during the show the dock was back to it’s old calm self, and visitors strolled down to the pontoon to watch a variety of demonstrations of the USV’s, and to simply admire the technical expertise that must have gone in to creating them. We were lucky to have a moment on one stand using their VR headset to wander along the seabed looking at everything in incredibly detailed 3D, including a sunken plane wreck. Friday was spent getting the pontoon back on land and back to base. A tremendous show by all accounts and we received a very grateful email from one of the organisers saying:
“Your staff and pontoons made everyone’s life really easy, they provided just the right level of access and water line for moorings. I am enormously grateful for your flexibility and adaptability to our challenges all at short notice.”
Another happy customer!
Other projects this week included two deliveries of modular cube systems, one with piling, the other for a diving company, and a decked pontoon off to Oxford. All go here! Don’t forget if you want to see us installing the pontoon at Ocean Business (have a guess on whether someone falls in!) have a look at it here, on our You Tube channel:
Have a great weekend, and thank you for reading our blogs, we really appreciate it!