Happy St David’s Day! The first seasonal day of Spring, although of course we’ve had gorgeous Spring weather for about two weeks now, so everyone has been thinking of getting in the water and in their boats. It is also the first day of our next Monthly Deal! Read on…..

Chris has been road tripping nearly all week, it’s been a busy one for him! On Monday he journeyed with Oliver down to Poole to see a couple of clients and drop products off. They continued onto Totnes Monday afternoon for a site visit, and then over to Plymouth on Tuesday morning to add a stiff arm for added rigidity on a unit. They were greeted with open arms and excitable barks by the dogs on Tuesday afternoon. A long couple of days in this beautiful sunshine….alright for some, hey?! Back in the office Wednesday, they prepped the van to replace some Rotodock units that had been damaged in Windemere. Chris and Dave headed up to deliver and replace those on Thursday and today they return, while Oliver has headed up to Rhyl in Wales for a site visit, via a client meeting in Oxford.

Our next Monthly Deal. We know everyone has begun thinking about their boats and pontoons, and some have already been prepping them for the summer months, so we decided that one of our most popular products could go on offer for you! This month, if you need a robust, sturdy platform that is able to flex with the movement of the water, and is simple and lightweight to install, Modular Cubes are the one for you! We have up to 50 cubes with 10% off and will happily create a full pontoon for you, based around the offer. If you can order and pay for the cubes before March the 31st, you’ll definitely be pleased you took us up on this one. They can be purchased as a part of a larger set, so don’t forget to mention the 10% off 50 cubes when you speak to us!

The next few weeks are just as busy as this one, and no doubt we’ll get inundated with orders for cubes, so in order to break up the news a bit, and in honour of our Welsh girl, Nerys, here is a little about St David and his Day for you:

St David (or Dewi Sant in Welsh) was born on the south west coast of Wales, near to the present day city of St Davids. March 1st marks the day of his death in 589 AD, he was believed to have been 89 when he died. He was a bishop of Mynyw (now St Davids) during the 6th century and later became an Archbishop. He is believed to be the son of Saint Non and the grandson of Ceredig ap Cunedda. Some of his last words to his followers before his death are believed to be ‘do the little things you have seen and heard me do’; ‘do the little things in life’ is still a popular phrase in Wales today. I found two reasons that the Welsh wear leeks on St David’s Day, one is as a reminder for the brave archers that fought in fields of leeks, and one because it is believed that St David only ate leeks and drank water. It is known that he was a vegetarian. The reason for daffodils? Because they are generally in flower on his anniversary, March 1st. Many school children will go to school in traditional dress today, and say ‘Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus’ to each other, which translates as Happy St David’s Day!

Have great weekends everyone!