About ten days ago someone said ‘we’re quite quiet next week, we could catch our breath a bit’….. then things happened, bookings were made, site visits undertaken, deliveries delivered and now it’s Good Friday and we are all thoroughly looking forward to a good feast, a few hot cross buns, and hunting eggs in the garden!
So Monday held preparation of Tuesday’s rental delivery, connecting the huge modular cube platform together with it’s handrail and lifting gantry. This was done in two deliveries on Tuesday, one first thing and one in the afternoon. The whole platform went up to Essex for an installation by the customer. Tuesday afternoon also held a site visit near Bath, checking that all was well and prepared for the possible fitting of a hardwood fixed jetty in the weeks to come, while we left in the office cleaned the rental cubes to get them ready for their next outing. Oxford called on Wednesday and off the boys went to install a decked pontoon at Oxford Preservation Trust. A job that has been delayed for a while due to the rain and subsequent lack of access was finally able to go ahead! A big stock take began back at base which continued through the week, with still more counting left to help shift those extra Easter calories. The return of Tuesday’s rental delivery happened on Thursday, so a busy day for our Warehouse Manager, while we also went to Southampton to organize some metalwork for a future job. So that was our ‘quiet week’….!
We are still looking for an Installation and Warehouse Assistant to join our team, so if you’ve read our last few posts and think you’d enjoy the variety of your working days, the flexibility of timings and would be proactive enough to think ahead and organize a bit of what’s happening next, then please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you! We’ll be putting another advert out in local papers soon, but if you want to know more, sooner, give us a call and we’ll have a chat about it.
I think all that’s left to say now is have a wonderful Easter break one and all, eat all you wish, enjoy the sunshine and don’t forget to take some time for You!