With less than one week to go until that glorious two week break, what shall we chat about? No, not that. We’re all sick of it already. I could tell you it’s my birthday tomorrow – you’re welcome. Or maybe ask whether you’ve already finished your shopping, or yet to start…? I’m half way through, which is better than most previous years. Though with a predominantly adult family, we do Secret Santa and just buy for the young’ens, so it’s not hard to get ahead! In an attempt to get festive this year, I’ve ‘encouraged’ the team to do ‘WMS Bake Off’. We put all the technical challenges in a hat, found a site with all the recipes (https://thegreatbritishbakeoff.co.uk/recipes/all/?filter%5Bcategory%5D=60&filter%5Btype%5D=&filter%5Bbaker%5D=&filter%5Bdifficulty%5D= ) and picked last Friday. Due to a few job changes, we are now bringing in our bakes on the 23rd – our last day before 2022 – to have a big gorge in the afternoon! Haha, no we’re also bringing containers to take a piece of each home, after ‘judging’. No idea what the prize is, but I think bragging rights will probably suffice in this office!
So…back to work….the team have been up in Lincoln for most of the week, to move a modular cube rental pontoon to the other side of the bridge the contractors were working on, wait for the job to be completed, then remove it and bring it back again. A couple of site visits for possible future jobs were undertaken in Birmingham and Wiltshire – fingers crossed for those to get 2022 off to a great start! – and we were going to be in tomorrow to unload the first of five containers we are expecting over the next seven weeks, but with shipping as it is, this is now in on Tuesday. Winter might not be our peak time, but we’re still busy and keen to get everything in order for the new year and Springtime rush.
What are you all up to now? Do you still sail in the winter, or are you more of a fair weather boatman? My guess would be you are using these precious days for antifouling and getting your boats ready for the 2022 season? Whatever you are up to, I hope you are warm, raising a smile and keeping faith in the brighter future.
Many a hot toddy to you until we speak again!